The industrial precision specialist

Za - 90 Rue Du Hohneck



09 74 56 23 85

Za - 90 Rue Du Hohneck




PRIME is located in La Bresse, and it is specialised in the machining of any mechanical parts for the aeronautical and automobile sectors.

We serve businesses all over France.

Pieces that meet your business requirements

We manufacture mechanical parts for the aeronautical and automobile sectors. Regardless of the kind of part you want to manufacture, unitary or for small and medium-sized series, we have the necessary technical expertise and machines to satisfy you. We carry out the turning, milling and grinding processes. Also, we specialise in 3D metrology, heat treatment and electro-discharge cutting. We thoroughly examine your requirements in order to meet them.

We have a performing and integrated production tool

Mécanique aéronautique et automobile - France
Mécanique aéronautique et automobile - France

Our professionals are at your service

With our 29 years of experience, our company is known for the quality of its achievements. We have a large range of state-of-the-art equipment.
Thanks to our reliability and our professionalism, we are able to carry out all your projects in the shortest possible time. We are certified ISO 9001 by AFAQ. Our team of skilled professionals is at your service and will give you personalised advice. You can also call us for any kind of module assembling.

With our 29 years of experience, our company is known for the quality of its achievements


Our specialties :

  • General and precision mechanics
  • Unit parts
  • Prototype development
  • Mounting and assembly
  • Specific monitoring devices
  • Specialised machinery

For further information about our services, contact us.

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday :
8:30 am to 12:00 am and 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Friday :
8:30 am to 12:00 am and 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm